Saturday, May 11, 2013

Looks like I ovulated:

That spike in temperature happens after you ovulate. Not bad. Looks like I'm pretty standard in the cycle world. I thought I ovulated on the 11th, because it spiked after going pretty low. But then it went back down instead of staying higher. It's all very interesting. First cycle is half-way done. So far I have strayed from my boy I need to recommit to that this weekend and plan ahead. That's the only way it's going to work. I have been doing well with the lemon water. That's easy enough. I'm trying a Paleo Diet challenge. It's 4 weeks long. The basics of Paleo are similar to the boy diet, so it hasn't been too hard to do. I just need to eat more tomatoes and red meat.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Paleo Diet meets Boy Diet

I decided to join in a 4 week Paleo Challenge. Looks pretty doable in combination with the boy diet I am trying to stay on. I just need to find alternative sources of potassium than the potato, because no potatoes on the diet. 

So far charting is going well. I am realizing I have a low base temp. I was bouncing between 96.4-96.2 for a few days, and the past two days I am all the way down to 95.9. I have read before you ovulate, your temp drops, then after, it spikes. Judging where I am in my cycle, I am thinking I might ovulate soon. This all seemed so confusing at first. But I think I'm getting the hang of it! 

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

We have a plan!






Coming up with a plan to try to sway boy has proven to be quite a bit of work. But anything worth having often a lot of work, right? 

Here's the plan: 

  • Chart temperature to determine ovulation. 
  • Do the baby dance no more than 24 hours before ovulation, and no later than 12 hours after. (This I still need to do a bit more research on, to be absolutely sure). 
  • Diet...oh this will take a bit more time. But so far it looks like I need:
    • Meat at every meat, preferably red meats, for their testosterone content
    • Greens -- broccoli, spinach, iceberg lettuce
    • Pears, bananas, and apricots
    • Potatoes
    • Tomatoes
    • Salt on everything
    • LIMIT Calcium and Magnesium 
  • Drink lots of lemon water, and one V8 a day
  • Supplements! 
    • Vitamin E
    • Fish Oil
    • Apple Cider Vinegar
    • Folic Acid
    • Evening Primrose Oil 
  • Ions. For a boy, you want your body to be positively charged vs negatively charged. Two of the biggest suggestions for this is a laptop on your lap, and cell phone in your pocket, frequently. That's easy enough. 
  • Last, but not least, the Chinese Gender Chart. (insert mocking comments here) All three girls matched up correctly with it, so I had to check. And lucky for us, we have a 4 month block starting in July saying BOY! Go For it! BOY!! 
So there it is. All printed out. Hubby will be doing the diet change somewhat, because I'm not cooking a bunch of different meals. And I think I have convinced him to take his share of supplements, too. Which is a really big deal. He hates them. That goes to show just how bad he wants a boy, too. 

Come on, July! I'm ready!! 

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

So much to do

As much as I love my three little girls, hubby and I desperately want a boy. So, as we try for our 4th child, we will be attempting to "Sway" boy. I'm starting to research my plan on There is a LOT to think about. It's overwhelming if you think about it too long. I'm going to look around at everyone's success posts, and decide from there what I will try. But it looks like the 7 Ways To Sway is one of the more successful options, as well as a more reasonable option. This blog is to help me keep my feelings straight. If anyone comes across this and decides to read it, any and all negative comments will be deleted. I won't stand for comments about how I should be happy with what God gave me. God also gave me free will. And this is what I choose to do with it. I will also promptly delete any and all comments/questions regarding what I will "do" if after all of my efforts provide us with a girl. The obvious answer (I would think) is we will love her. But I will try my hardest to get a boy.  

Now that my disclaimer-of-sorts is out of the way, I want to get down what I have done so far: 

  • Started charting and tracking my cycle using Fertility Friend on my iPod. 

  • CD4
    Temp: 96.4
    Weight: 147

  • Printed out a copy of Tamara's Boy Diet eBook. Looks doable. 

  • Bought a bottle of Folic Acid. A little worried regarding the amount of internet rumors claiming it can increase your chances of multiples. Because A) I already have three, increasing my odds. And B) My sister is having twins this summer. Granted, it's twin boys (lucky ducky) but that's besides the point. 

So today's plan (mixed in with cleaning, playing with my 2 younger girls, booger wiping, and possibly tending to the yard) is to nail down my "Boy Diet" and decide on any other sway factors, aside from timing.